This is not normal

Alan Jones
1 min readMay 9, 2022


At M8 Ventures we’ve recently signed up to be part of a campaign called This Is Not Normal. This is why…

Over the past three years, unprecedented climate disasters have ravaged our country and the Earth. This is not normal. Climate change is unquestionably the biggest challenge we face as a community.

The good news is that Australia has an opportunity to be a world leader in the transition to a low-carbon future. But our government needs to listen to the science to take meaningful and urgent action now.

There is a lot of noise out there right now, but on May 21 there’s a Federal election in Australia, and we will all have an opportunity to make our voices heard, on the biggest issue of our time.

We can do that by ensuring our vote aligns with our values.

Because we believe when it comes to action on climate, we need a new normal.

For more information, visit This Is Not Normal.

Sans serif white text on a black background that says, “This is not normal. We’re calling for greater action on climate.”



Alan Jones

I’m a coach for founders, partner at M8 Ventures, angel investor. Earlier: founder, early Yahoo product manager, tech reporter. Latest: