Connecting to people we don’t know and can’t recall on LinkedIn is wasting our time

Time you could be spending sewing face masks, baking sourdough, looting stores or waiting for Q’s next cryptic instruction

Alan Jones
5 min readAug 26, 2020

Let’s consider whether adding another connection to another stranger is actually going to help you achieve anything, or whether the value of your time is actually all going to Microsoft (which owns LinkedIn).

How many contacts can you really stay up-to-date with?

LinkedIn says I’m connected to 7,881 people. If they all just post an update once a month (some of them post once a day, some of them once a year) and I spend on average about a minute reading each update and choosing a reaction emoji, that’s 94,572 minutes a year.

That’s impossible, of course. We simply can’t do what LinkedIn says it wants us to do — to stay connected with everyone we know professionally on LinkedIn, while also holding down a job.

How much is your lost LinkedIn time worth?

I may have more LinkedIn connections than most LinkedIn users, but look at your own numbers, and do the math. Can you show it’s definitively led to a job offer…



Alan Jones

I’m a coach for founders, partner at M8 Ventures, angel investor. Earlier: founder, early Yahoo product manager, tech reporter. Latest: